mechanized agriculture
Waiver programs like ARChoices are created by means of a waiver from the federal Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which oversees the entire Medicaid program. DHS argued that the terms of its CMS waiver obligated it to stick with the algorithm. If it was forced to drop the algorithm, the agency warned that it could be forced out of compliance with CMS, potentially disrupting services... Each breed of livestock has unique traits, though they may not be as productive as breeds that industrial agriculture depends most heavily on. "The productive life of a Holstein cow is between three and four years," according to the Holstein association. But many heritage breeds, such as Dutch Belted cows, are often productive into their teen years. MADISON Driving drunk is not only dangerous, it's against the law, but should it be a crime There are at least two groups who do not want drunk drivers to be labeled as criminals. One has been a powerful force in state politics for gen...